Selected media coverage on the enterotype discovery and my.microbes project:
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TV report on my.microbes project
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A TV report about the my.microbes project.
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Menschliche Darmflora existiert in drei verschiedenen Type
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Article PDFSocial network wants to sequence your gut
Acting as both social network and DNA database, the website offers a place for people to share diet tips, stories and gastrointestinal woes with one another...
http://www.nature.comBlood type, meet bug type...
The discovery of enterotypes could someday lead to medical applications of its own...
http://www.nytimes.comAside from being a technical feat, the discovery of the enterotypes might be useful for diagnosing and treating disease
http://www.latimes.comSocial Network Connects Members on a Gut Level
Now, thanks to scientists in the EU, you can find people who share your bacteria.
http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.comNew social network connects people by gut flora
http://news.cnet.comJT TF1 - Un "second cerveau" dans les intestins ?
http://www.wat.tvLa flore intestinale permet de différencier les individus
"Dans le domaine de la médecine individualisée, cette classification aidera à développer des outils de diagnostic permettant de déceler les cas où le traitement prévu ne serait pas efficace, et d'adapter ce dernier en conséquence" flore intestinale a son réseau social
"L’objectif du projet “My Microbes” : faire parler les tripes des internautes... "
http://www.savoirs.essonne.frDie Bauch-Seele-Connection
http://www.psychologie-heute.deMöglicherweise entscheidet der Darmtyp auch darüber, wie gut ein Mensch die Nahrung verwertet oder auf Medikamente anspricht
http://www.sueddeutsche.deLa signature bactérienne de nos intestins
"La découverte des trois entérotypes humains va permettre de comparer les gens à l'intérieur de ces catégories et donc d'identifier plus rapidement les bactéries impliquées dans la prise de poids ainsi que les traitements ou les régimes nutritionnels les plus appropriés."
http://www.lefigaro.frIt's no wonder, then, that research is increasingly finding that the diversity of these microbes has important effects on health...
http://healthland.time.comPeople are less discrete organisms than teeming symbiotic entities...
http://www.wired.comDivided by language, united by gut bacteria - people have three common gut types
http://blogs.discovermagazine.comGut bacteria play a crucial role in human health, converting food into energy, producing vitamins and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. flora intestinal de los humanos se clasifica en tres grupos
"Este descubrimiento abre paso a poder modificar el abordaje de patologías como la enfermedad de Chron, la colitis ulcerosa o la diabetes"
http://www.elpais.comLas bacterias del sistema digestivo, nueva huella biológica humana
"Las familias de microbios ayudan a fabricar distintas vitaminas"
http://www.elpais.comLa red social microbiana
"En Alemania se creó una comunidad virtual llamada My Microbes, que busca comprender las enfermedades que aquejan a los internautas."
http://www.elespectador.comMetagenómica y microbioma
"los microorganismos coadyuvan para mantener el equilibrio y la dinámica ambiental" line with the reduction of the overall sequencing costs, my.microbes study participation cost has been reduced to 500 EUR.
With the further expansion of our sequencing capacity and partial automation of our DNA extraction pipeline, my.microbes study participation cost has been further reduced to 550 EUR.
We have released an updated participant information package, which details various study expansions that will be implemented in the near future. In addition, my.microbes study participation cost has been further reduced to a minimum of 800 EUR.
People can be classified into one of three gut microbial types called enterotypes. Read more...